1 al 3 of october of 2018
The privilege position of the local governments allows articulating the different levels in public and private sectors, and civil society, in a way to enforce the execution means and revitalize the sustainable development global alliance. Quito has a fertile territory for new proposals of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) and for the localization of the sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDG). The projects that the Municipality of Quito is developing can give opportunities to learn and compare the good practices among local governments. Two years since the Habitat III conference took place; Quito will be in the center of the international debate about urban solutions towards the construction of sustainable cities. With the support of the UN-Habitat, the capital of Ecuador presents itself as a laboratory city to implement the NUA in the region. Quito will be one of the 13 cities in the world that commemorates the Metropolitan Day, to debate about the challenges of governability in the metropolitan territories.
Thematics of the Meeting
1. Climate change and sustainable mobility Local Authorities of more than 17 cities will debate about the initiatives in themes related with
sustainable cities and climate actions. The successful model of the “Metro de Quito” will be presented and the construction of it prioritizing a gender approach inside the municipal management. Quito will open the forum about the necessity on implementing actions and leadership in women facing up the climate change with its project: Women4Climate.
2. Citizen Participation The cities will share experiences in participation through different tools such as participatory platforms, participatory budgets and other mechanisms that boost the citizen
involvement in the decision making process and political proposals in a transparency and open government framework.
3. Local Economic Development The articulation of the cities in global agenda will allow a bigger compromise of the local authorities in the local economic development. Different actors will share their knowledge about sustainable food systems and their contribution to fulfill the NUA. There will be an exposition of different projects on how to build competitive cities as
an important factor to improve the life quality of their habitants.
4. Culture and Patrimony Quito celebrates 40 years as Cultural Heritage of humanity and will share with other cities the conservation plan in one of the most important historical centers of the region. The discussion on culture, artistic expressions and the citizens roll will be the axis of the debate.